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2022 Porsche Cayman GT4 RS CLUBSPORT Automatic
Vin: WP0ZZZ98ZLK299849
Mileage:15,000 Miles
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Prices do not include taxes, title, license, or IL state-regulated $367.70 documentary service fee. The value of used vehicles varies with mileage, usage, and condition. Book values should be considered estimates only. All prices, specifications, and availability are subject to change without notice. Contact dealer for most current information. While great effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information on this site, errors do occur so please verify information with a customer service rep. This is easily done by calling us at or by visiting us at the dealership.
**With approved credit. Terms may vary. Monthly payments are only estimates derived from the vehicle price with a 72 month term, 7.9% APR and 20% down payment.
**Prices above do not include the following: $1,695 Arbor Guard protection package, $795 acquisition fee (lease Only), $367.70 documentary fee, $35 electronic title, tax, $316 new plates, $190 plate transfer, or $30 for an out of state tag and state fees with approved credit through INFINITI Financial Services. See dealer for complete details. Expires at month end.